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  • latest120910.jpg

    12/10/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The average daily sunspot numbers for the week were up more than nine points to 35, and average solar flux rose more than six points to 87.3. These differences compare the dates of December 2-8 with the previous seven days. The average planetary A index d
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  • sunspot102210

    10/23/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    The average sunspot numbers for the week were up nearly 44 points to 55.6, while the average solar flux readings remained unchanged, at 84.9. For a few days, solar flux values rose above 90, but currently the projection from USAF and NOAA for solar flux o
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  • latest093010.jpg

    10/01/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    HF radio conditions were good over this past week, with the average daily sunspot numbers up more than 5 points to 45.3, and the average solar flux rising 1.5 points to 84.4. On Wednesday, September 29, the solar flux was 90.7; the last time flux values w
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  • Sunspot041510

    04/16/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    Weakened sunspots faded this week, and we were buffeted with more geomagnetic instability, but without the dramatic geomagnetic storms of the previous week. The average daily sunspot numbers fell more than 20 points to 12.1, and the average solar flux dro
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  • sunspot032510

    03/26/2010 | The K7RA Solar Update

    New sunspot group 1057 appeared on March 23; by March 24, it was 38 times its original size. It covered 10 one-millionths of the solar hemisphere on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, it grew to 380 one-millionths. On Thursday, new sunspot group 1058 appeared, an
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